Integrate Life’s Experiences
through gentle touch
What is flowtrition (flow)?
Flowtrition is a gentle touch that allows for the integration of life experiences stored in the body as tension. The gentle light touches encourage the body to look in on itself and to make shifts.
Flowtrition was developed by Dr. Lance Wright to help the body dissipate stress and begin to function with greater coherence and peace. Each session enhances the function of every cell, tissue and organ of the body as it increases circulation and the health of both your immune system and your nervous system.
Flow is a specific touch made along the spine. This touch addresses the body at the neurological level, allowing the body to make changes in patterns. As the body releases stress, it moves from a state of protect and defend (fight or flight) to a state of healing and growth.
One thing that makes Flow unique, is that a person doing Flowtrition is not trying to fix or change anyone. We see the perfection of the person and their body, without judgement. The purpose of Flow is to connect through a light touch and let the nervous system, the body decide what it wants to do next. For many people, this can be a shift which leads to symptom relief, but that is not the primary purpose, because removal of pain is not always a sign of improved health. What is important is the body learning to respond in the most appropriate manner to its environment. We are allowing the body the opportunity to make changes from within which is more empowering than trying to force something to change when it is not ready.
Sometimes we hold a pattern of tension due to an emotional or physical trauma from a long time ago. Even though we are older and have ‘moved on’ our body might still be continuing to respond as if the threat is still occurring because our nervous system has been deeply affected. Giving the nervous system the opportunity to change is very healing on a physical and on an emotional level.
Flowtrition is also wonderful for our animal companions. It is an excellent way to begin any interaction with an animal. Animals love Flow and they integrate the changes so naturally. I’ve done flow on horses, dogs and cats but could be done on all animals; domesticated or wild.

Greater awareness of oneself can lead to huge transformational changes that go beyond being more relaxed. Flow has led people to realizations and understandings that have brought greater meaning to their lives, on many different levels.
Benefits of Flowtrition
Some of the possible benefits observed from Flow treatments are:
Tension is dropped
Improved ability to handle stress
Improved ability to manage anxiety
Better sleep
More positive outlook
Feeling of inner peace and calm
Improved Digestion